
Tessa offers consultancy for emerging artists and companies, to support them to make high quality work, and to get their work seen. Her experience as both an artist and a producer positions her perfectly to support artist/makers and to understand the difficulties that can come from ‘wearing both hats’. Her work can be split up into two main areas: producing and creative.


Often, Tessa’s help starts when clients have an idea for a show, but don’t know what happens next. Or perhaps they’ve been rejected by Arts Council England and want help in getting a successful grant. She won’t produce the work for them, but instead Tessa supports artists to learn the valuable skills to produce themselves, saving money long-term and building skills and contacts that artists can use for the rest of their careers. She can support you in building your brand, creating professional marketing materials and tour packs, writing funding applications, pitching your work, tour booking and organising tours.



Tessa also offers creative consulting during the production process. This could involve her being in rehearsals every day as a Director or Writer, or coming in for a few days to bring expertise as an Outside Eye, Dramaturg, Movement Director or Puppetry Director… or a combination of all of them. Her extensive experience in working in small-scale, devised theatre means that she has strong skills in all these areas. Whether it’s re-writing a scene, choreographing physical theatre or puppetry, or shaping the overall arc of a story, she can help you.


More Information

For more information on this consultancy, see